FormPlaza has a refund policy to ensure a fair relationship between customers and FormPlaza.
Guidelines governing the cancellation and refund policy for FormPlaza and its services:
To cancel or delete your account or services provided by FormPlaza, notify us at least ten (10) business days before end of your term via email to Deletion of your data occurs after cancellation is completed. Save any important data prior to the cancellation.
Your subscription gets renewed automatically at the end of the subscription term. You can upgrade or downgrade the level of our services at any time. However, FormPlaza does not refund in this case. If you stop using our services prior to the end of the subscription term, we will not refund for the remaining term. FormPlaza reserves the right to modify or terminate the FormPlaza service(s) for any reason, without notice at any time.
Fraud: Without limiting any other remedies, FormPlaza may suspend or terminate your account if we suspect that you (by conviction, settlement, insurance or investigation, or otherwise, forcefully removed our branding) have engaged in fraudulent activity in connection with the services offered by us.
In a nutshell: No refunds are promised, no matter the timing of the cancellation
Monthly Billing, Cancellation, and Refund Policies
FormPlaza charges and collects payment in advance for use of the SaaS service(s). All services rendered are non-refundable.
All subscriptions renew automatically on their renewal date according to date of purchase, cancelled in writing to
No refunds or credits will be refunded to a customer upon cancellation.
All fees are exclusive of all taxes, levies, or duties imposed by taxing authorities, and the customer is responsible for payments of all such taxes, levies, or duties not identified and collected by FormPlaza.
Customers wanting to upgrade or downgrade their subscription for services at any time should do so by emailing
When renewed, the chosen method of billing will automatically be charged the current subscription rate at the time of the next billing cycle.
FormPlaza reserves the right to cancel a subscription to any of the services provided by FormPlaza.